We are blessed in
We often walk the .6 mile circuit of Riverfront Park within the city of
Today and Sunday, Judy and walked Roane County Park enjoying
the 1+ mile paved path through tall hardwoods, blooming wildflowers, like these May Apples and Trillium, looking at the Harrison Bay backwater from the Tennessee River, listening to the birds sing, and the ducks quack, and watching the turtles line up on a log for sunbath from the fishing pier!
We are truly blessed in this area with miles of quiet nature trails, some just 3 miles from home, unless of course you want to count a stroll in our own backyard. If we would just do it more often, we might not be look like we do!
Then of course, there was today’s walk around mom’s yard looking at her spring flowers and appreciating them…right down to the yellow dandelions, which have blown over from her neighbor’s yard!
The grass growing in the concrete is funny. We have a hard time growing grass in our yard sometimes even after fertilizing, watering etc, but it grows in the crack between the street curbs and the street without effort?
Ohhhh ... look at that magnolia! You just reminded me that this is the time for the white one to be blooming back at our old place, just before the rhododendrons. Nothing popping out here in our desert yet. I need to do the garden club thing and plant bulbs some day. Thanks for taking me along on your Spring walk!
As always, Mushy, lovely photos. Shots of your area always make me feel so damned relaxed.
This is the best time of the year for us in Houston. I walk every evening after work, but in a few weeks it will be to hot to even get outside. So enjoy while we can.
Beautiful! You truely are blasses. We've got lots of seasonal wild fowers, Bluebonnets, Buttercups and Indian Paintbrush bloomin' all over the roads, up and down the interstates and vacant lots. Wonderful time of year.
I just planted one of those Saucer Magnolia trees.
Pat - We are having a difficult time finding one for our yard...they seem to sell out quickly.
Mowed the lawn for the first time today(at least the whole lawn), and the flowers have popped out, abeit late, they are here, and spring has finally sprung.
We're headed to the Smoky's tomorrow. Hopefully will have nice weather and get some awesome pix.
Spring has definitely come to stay this time (fingers crossed).
Diva - Have a great trip!
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