If you do a lot of hiking and wildflower photography, or just like to look, you're probably like me can't remember all the names of the flowers you find. To make it easier for me, I created this handy little "Tennessee Wildflower" set on Flickr. You only have to GO HERE, and either pass your cursor over the flower that looks close and then double click it! Or, you can click on "Slideshow" and sit back and just enjoy the colors of the seasons.
Most of these are native to Tennessee, but you will find a few I spotted in Alaska, Florida, and other places I've visited. However, the majority are Tennessee Wildflowers, and predominately East Tennessee flowers.
Makes me wish I was a big, fat, hairy bumblebee, instead of the same thing in a HUMAN-form...!☺
Ahhhh, thanks for bringing the wildflowers of Tennessee straight to my door - absolutely stunning!
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