For as long as I remember, my family has eaten black-eyed peas, hog jowl, and either cabbage or plain ol' spinach on New Year's Day. The question always asked when meeting a family member or friend was, "Did you have some black-eyed peas today?"
Click on THIS LINK to go to my cooking blog! Warning...your mouth will water!
Momma, being from Jackson Miss., made me go out and find some black-eyed peas last week for just that occasion...
She's a good southern gal!
I miss GOOD hog-jowls!
There's an art to makin' them. More to it than just "Throw-'em in a pan, an' wait for the smoke to clear!" That's the way my Grandma used to "make" them!
Naw-w-w, she wasn't much on cookin'---but she was one helluva Grandma!
The Marines couldn't hold a candle to her, when it came to the definition of "crude-survival-ingenuity"!
But that just made me love her that much more, all the same...!
hummmm! Looks like enough gas there to fire the furnace for the winter?
Happy New Year Brother Sky Cop!
Got a new recipe on my blog today!
Never have had them. They look much like bacon. Taste the same, more-or-less?
Yes, much the same, only fatter. Hog-jowl is a much cheaper cut (it's the cheek) and is what many poor folks can afford. It's also a part you Yanks wouldn't eat so the cheeks, snout, ears, feet, and head was about all they left the southerners to eat! Thank God is was good too!
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