Consider this a follow up to FHB’s posts…he has been covering the week’s events blow-by-blow for the most part, so here are some more pictures to back up his post and to show you some shots of him having fun.
Oh yeah, some of you have asked about what the secret stash was in FHB’s trunk…only 11 cases of Yuengling beer! 

BEER?! And I was not invited?! Aack!
You guys look like you may need some help taking care of all those beers... too bad I'm way over here in CA, I'd be more than happy to help out...
Only 11 cases? What are you going to do when you get thirsty?
I sure wish I'd been a fly on the wall..
Ol' "Hairy" is damned near decent lookin', when ya' scrape him off, ain't he???
HEY!!! Where's that cigar, fella?
Bruno...look's just a nub in this hand! He was even enjoying the label!
Well, I'll be damned! I need to start usin' my ZOOM more!
My gawd, man! Don't make him lick the label! Give 'im another one.....!
Oi, Mushy and FHB,
Listen up and listen good, y'all. What are ya trying to do, steal us Aussies' reputation for being tough on the grog?
Eleven cases? Mate, that's more than Judge Judy handles in a week!
Many fond wishes
Judge Judy...that's funny!
That picture of me sitting on Steve's porch is about my favorite of them all. Great times man. Thanks a lot!
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