Anyway, the discussion came up about where we should eat prior to the show. Someone mentioned a place and before I could stop myself I said, “You know they don’t have beer there?” Everyone looked at me and then to Ron.
Since Ron is a man who enjoys a good dark beer and prefers to eat at places that have a good selection on tap, I expected him to present our case. However, no further arguments were presented from either side and other places of interest were suggested.
I should have learned my lesson from the first looks I got from the “dragons,” but went on to say, “You know, next time we go to a play, let’s pick an earlier time so we can eat casually afterwards and have a couple of beers.”
Terri, the fork at the end of the dragon’s tongue, turned toward me like a bird dog on a point, and said, “You know Mushy (not his real name), the world doesn’t revolve around beer!”
“Ah no, contrario” I said. “The world floats on it!
You'd think women would learn not to ask such silly questions. It's not as if beer is a new invention, or the male half of the species was only recently introduced to it.
BTW, there's an odd semenesque look to that photoshop effort that is, to be quite honest, a bit discomfiting.
But, to return to more important issues: I got yer back on the whole beer argument.
I like the photo-manipulation of the beer. You did a good job. As for the world revolving around beer, I'm with the women on this one. Sorry.
Alex - Semenesque ha! Purely accidental, but quite appropriate!
Debbie - That's okay, my sister-in-law won't be swayed either!
Also want to apologize for making a correcting comment on your page - it was meant to be constructive. Are you changing host?
Hmm, I think any guys devoted enough to sit through White Christmas with their wives deserve all the beer they can suck down....
Hey I thought the world did revolve around you. Well I guess that set me straight. I keep a clicking buddy.
Bozette - Old Jose and I are doing pretty well against those boobs! Thanks for your support...don't know why it's necessary...just something to do!
I thought it was Irving Berlin. But, no matter, I've seen White Christmas about all I can stand.
Dude! You can't let a pregnant chick whoop up on ya!
Goddess - it's up to you, not me!
Ron - I've seen it numerous times as well, but seeing local actors makes it at little more appealing.
I could not agree more!! Beer should be the staple of our lives :-)
Awesome picture on the beer glass, and I'm going right now to vote for you on 25peeps!!
HEY, glad I stopped in, just got reminded, it's time to start my "P.M. beer" schedule! Kind of an old-farts' version of "Geritol in-a-can"! Night-Time formula, of course!
Boobs and beer... Now there's a combo to spice up a post. Looks like the boobs are winnin' though. I do what I can. As far as the dinner theatre is concerned, I'm with Goddess on this one, as in most things. The fact that you sat through it tells me that you deserved a whole case of beer as reward. I mean, that thing is sappy enough with Bing doin' his thing. I can't imagine what the local Thespians did with it.
Hope you had a great thanksgiving. Well it's Monday, I have been without internet all weekend long but I'm back, I was pretty suprised I'm sitll on 25peeps but I was more surprised to see you so you know I clicked ya and will continue for as long as you are there. Did you say beer, because if you did, I'm there!
For this post alone (BEER!!), you are my Hero.
Wait...that first one with the necklace is an ASS???
Nono, it's not up to me. Tell Mrs. Mushy to put on an old bra and a t shirt two sizes too small and beeeeend forward! lol
Beer consumption should always have it's place in any outing's plan. The earlier, the better.
No sober man dances.
Think about it.
Is that a bad thing or a good thing, Jan?
As a non-beer drinker, I guess I probably would've said these same thing but I loved your retort:)
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