Sunday, October 04, 2009


This past Saturday was a big event day in Roane County, Tennessee. Both Rockwood and Kingston held annual events that brought people back into the little rural communities to socialize.

I visited Rockwood's 2009 Fall Festival which was held on the main drag. The event included a beauty pageant, dunking booth, and lots of bouncy things for kids, crafts, hot dogs, baloney sandwiches, fried apple, peach, cherry, lemon, and vanilla pies, popcorn, fried chicken legs and much more!

There was an old tractor and car show and many musical acts including Bill Wright, Russ Roberts, Joanne Cash Yates and more. The music played constantly, one act at a time, while people strolled the street eating and looking at the crafts offered for sale. The antique stores had a continuous stream of "lookers", while child giggled and screamed in glee!

Over in Kingston, about 10 miles away, hundreds of cars were parked on the acreage surrounding the old Southwest Point Fort, and crowds walked to see the 2009 Kingston Country Fair. Craft and food booths were lined around the ball field, and inside the field fence was various things to do like listen to bluegrass music, climb a rock wall, face painting, ride a slow pony to nowhere, or bounce or play in the colored balls!

I missed the antique car show, which, by that time, was cruisin' over to Rockwood's event! Darn! I sure wish the events had been on different weekends!

It was a beautiful day in Roane County with low humidity and fall like temperatures, a bright blue sky, and a warm wind coming out of the west. As a matter of fact, I saw folks having lots of trouble keeping their booth canopies firmly grounded. At Kingston, one tent lifted up and flipped over backwards, leaving one booth worker rubbing her head! At Rockwood, one worker held on to the tent while another made my sandwich!

Anyway, I had a great time eating my fried baloney "samich" and cherry pie! Wish you had been could have held my drink for me!

There are more photos of both events posted HERE!


Scott from Oregon said...

Fried baloney and blue grass?


Ray Collett said...

It don't get any better than that..Did you ever see a bluegrass band ( although we play mostly Southern Gospel and Classic Country) arrive by limousine? said...

No I missed that Ray...wish I had though! It was late by the time I got there on Saturday...around 4...I think!

FHB said...

Looks like fun.

BRUNO said...

Fried baloney---that's a "picnic-standard" for local events, fer shure!

God, how I miss what could be called "simpler-days"...

Suldog said...

Well, anyplace with fried chicken and pie is okee-dokee by me! The fried bologna, though... My Dad used to fry up bologna a lot - it was a depression-era treat from his childhood - and I couldn't stand the smell. Never have tried it because of that.

Ray Collett said...

We were glad to the bologna. Usually all us "young'uns" got was soup made from the "rind" around the bologna. I see Hardee's has a bologna biscuit, I wonder what they do with the "rind"? said...

Don't know, but the biscuit is great!